本公司成立于1998年1月,注冊資金人民幣1280萬元,專業生產精密不銹鋼無縫鋼管及其相關產品,冷軋硅鋼、冷軋鋼帶、高頻焊管,公司地屬天下第一村的華西村, 南靠沿江高速公路,北臨長江要塞,水陸交通十分便捷。公司占地面積4.5萬平方米,現有員工200余人,其中專業管理和技術人員30余名。
本公司采用先進的表面處理技術,確保我們內表面拋光等級。 本公司還提供不同的表面拋光的等級來滿足顧客多樣的需求,為顧客節省成本。 Guaranteed inside diameter surface finish level is attained throughout. A variety of surface finish grades are offered for customer's various application as cost saving options. 我們生產的標準材質有:304 ASTM(1.4301 EN/DIN,JIS SUS304);304L ASTM(1.4307 EN/DIN,JIS SUS304L); 316 ASTM(1.4401 EN/DIN,JIS SUS316);316L ASTM(1.4404 EN/DIN,JIS SUS316L)
316L SS 超潔凈管,選用特殊的母管,通過控制低的硫含量來提高其焊接的可靠性和一致性。 316L SS UHP tubes&pipes are manufactued from a specially selected mother pipes, controlled lower content of sulfur levels to promote reliable,consistent welding.
本公司有無縫、半無縫以及焊接類型,選擇眾多滿足顧客不同的要求,節約成本。 Seamless,Semi-Seamless and Welded types are available for wide selection and cost saving options
BA&EP管通過化學清洗以及酸洗處理來控制非揮發性殘留,以此來滿足ASTM G93或者SEMI E49.6要求。 超潔凈管通過高精度清洗(18MΩ 的超純水)后以高純度氮氣(99.9995%濃度)沖吹凈化管道,并在管內充填,最后在10級無塵室包裝。 BA&EP grade tubes&pipes are chemically cleaned and passivated to keep nonvolatile residue levels to comply with ASTM G93 or SEMI E 49.6. UHP tubes &pipes are rinsed with 18MΩ di water and purged with 99.9995% filtered nitrogen and are packed in an class 10 cleanroom.
每一根管子都進行噴碼,包括制造商、材料類型以及加熱編碼等信息。 BA&EP管通過如下方式包裝:末端和首端裹上PA薄膜,橡膠保護帽封口后,BA管用單層防靜電袋包裝,EP管用雙層防靜電袋包裝。 Each tube&pipes is marked to identify manufacturer,material type and heat code. BA&EP grade tubes&pipes are packed as following manner:eds are faced and protected with polyamide nylon film and polyethylene caps, packed in single(BA grade) or double(EP grade) polyethylene bags.
我們有多種專業的檢驗設備:掃描電子顯微鏡、能譜儀、粗糙度儀、粒子計數器、硬度計、露點儀、金相顯微鏡、拉力試驗機等。 We have a variety of professional inspection equipment:Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM),Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy(EDS), Surface Roughness Gauge,Particle Counter,Micro Vickers,Moisture Analyzer,Metallography Microscope,Tensile Testing Machined etc.
超潔凈管根據如下P/N進行下單 UHP Tubes/Pipes are ordered by part number as shown as right. T-S-12-1.24-4-E-316,代表無縫管,1/2“外徑,1.24壁厚,長度4米,EP,材質316。 The following part number,T-S-12-1.24-4-E-316,is designated for seamless Tube,1/2"OD,1.24mm WT,4 meters per length,EP,grade of 316.
無縫、半無縫以及焊接鋼管、以精密的機器制造工藝,獨特的技術以及嚴格的質量管控流程,來確保產品品質。 Seamless,Semi-seamless and Welded tubes & pipes are manufacturing throughout state art of equipment, unique technologies and strict quality assurance process.
我們有多種專業的檢驗設備:掃描電子顯微鏡、能譜儀、粗糙度儀、粒子計數器、硬度計、露點儀、金相顯微鏡、拉力試驗機等。 We have a variety of professional inspection equipment:Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM),Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy(EDS), Surface Roughness Gauge,Particle Counter,Micro Vickers,Moisture Analyzer,Metallography Microscope,Tensile Testing Machined etc.
不同的內部表面拋光技術獲得不同等級的鋼管。請參考我們提供的表面等級、化學成分表、物理性能、粒子供給實驗及其他品質檢驗項目及標準、尺寸公差參數。 Tubes & Pipes are available with different inside diameter finish levels.Please refer to our offer surface grade、Chemical Composition、Physical Prorerties、Particle Contribution Test、Quality Sssurance Values、Dimension Tolerance.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
20 June 2016, by HUAWEI, in Featured.
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